Each active member should recognize the Lake Tahoe Regional Fire Chiefs Association can be only as effective as we colletively make it.
As an active member, his/her responsibility to the organization and to their fire agency is to participate in the monthly meetings and assist in completing the Association business. We can all best meet our individual responsibilities by making a personal commitment to:
Attend Association meetings regularly
Actively seek to serve on standing committees or special ad hoc committees
Encourage other members of our fire agencies to become members and participate
Willingly serve as a board member and commit the time and energy required for the Lake Tahoe Regional Fire Chiefs Association to achieve it's full potential
Develop your individual agency plans, goals, and objectives with a regional perspective
Provide input and response to questionnaires or inquiries in a timely manner so that Association business can move forward expeditiously
Assist your elected officers when requested in completing adopted Association goals and objectives
Actively seek new and non-traditional ways to improve the level of service to our communities
Strive for professional development of all Chief Officers and personnel within the Lake Tahoe Regional Fire Chiefs Association